Senior Diabetes Specialist Nurse Maternity and Secondary Care

Job Summary

Job Title: Senior Diabetes Specialist Nurse Maternity and Secondary Care

Availability: 1.0 posts available.

Job Number: NR176357

Location: Moray

An exciting opportunity for an experienced Diabetes Specialist Nurse to join the team in NHS Grampian, based within Dr Grays Hospital, Elgin. 

About the role:

Are you an enthusiastic and experienced Diabetes Specialist Nurse with a warm personality and great people skills? Willing to be adaptable to change and be flexible to develop existing resources to meet service needs. You will be willing to undertake relevant training and be able to demonstrate innovative practice. Responsible for providing high-quality evidence-based care for people living with diabetes, their families, careers and health care professionals

We are looking for an experienced Diabetes Specialist Nurse to work in areas of clinical service provision which include:

  • Diabetes in pregnancy.
  • Inpatient management.
  • New diagnosis of diabetes.
  • Insulin initiation and management.
  • Insulin pump therapy.
  • Flash glucose monitoring and CGMS.
  • Out-patient service.

The ability to work as both part of a team and autonomously is essential, as our team of highly innovative and motivated individuals delivers diabetes care in Grampian. This post will be rewarding as there are many exciting opportunities ahead.

About Dr Gray’s Hospital:

Dr. Gray’s Hospital, Scotland’s smallest District General Hospital, is rich in history and character. The original building, dating back to 1819, is still in use for some practices. Additionally, a new hospital was opened in 1995 and undergoes continuous upgrades and development.

There are 181 beds – 153 inpatient, a 15 bed surgical day unit case and 13 ambulatory care beds serving a catchment population of about 132,000 spread between Forres and Macduff along the coast, and inland as far as Huntly and Tomintoul. Our hub tertiary centre (Aberdeen Royal Infirmary) is located 65 miles to the east.

Informal enquiries and visits are encouraged.

If you think this may be the role for you and would like any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Sandra Wilson Nurse Manager

Trish Mcdonald

Dr Jane Dymott

About the service:

Each year we support the care of around 5000 families throughout their pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey. In NHS Grampian we are passionate about delivering high-quality care that supports the needs of families in the North-East of Scotland. The future vision of maternity and neonatal services in NHS Grampian is one where:

  •  All mothers and babies are offered a truly family-centred, safe and compassionate approach to their care, recognising their own unique circumstances and preferences.
  • Fathers, partners, and other family members are actively encouraged and supported to become an integral part of all aspects of maternal and newborn care.
  • Women experience real continuity of care and carer, across the whole maternity journey, with vulnerable families being offered any additional tailored support they may require.
  • Services are redesigned using the best available evidence, to ensure optimal outcomes and sustainability, and maximise the opportunity to support normal birth processes and avoid unnecessary interventions.
  • Staff are empathetic, skilled and well supported to deliver high quality, safe services, every time.
  • Multi-professional team working is the norm within an open and honest team culture, with everyone’s contribution being equally valued.