A rural general hospital is a small hospital, similar to a district general hospital, but is specifically staffed and equipped to provide healthcare services in remote and rural areas.  The Hospital provides acute and community services to a population of just under 40,000 in an area of approximately 3,000 square miles.

NHS Highland employs over 10,500 staff, hosts one District General Hospital (Raigmore Hospital in Inverness), 3 Rural General Hospitals in Wick, Fort William and Oban and is supported by a network of community hospitals and health centres, providing care and support for patients.

CGH has a staffing complement of 210 and has 41 beds across two wards.  It has an ED, theatre/endoscopy suite, outpatients, radiology, pharmacy, diagnostic laboratory, and delivers renal dialysis/medical infusions/cancer care and maternity services.

This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced NHS manager to move into a unique leadership role, operationally managing a whole hospital with a large degree of professional autonomy.  Managing small, self-contained rural general hospitals are both interesting and challenging and require skills such resilience, creativity, and resourcefulness.

We are looking for applications from experienced, confident managers who can demonstrate a track record in managing all staff groups, consultant job planning, success in workforce redesign/planning and a proven track record of innovation and creativity.  We are looking for evidence of proactive service transformation and delivery of good fiscal management.

Caithness and Sutherland are two counties at the far north of the Scottish Highlands with Wick and Thurso being the main towns, World class fishing, kayaking, surfing, coastal walks, and sea bird colonies are within a few miles of the hospital. This post offers the satisfaction of living and working in some of the UK’s most secluded and unspoilt countryside. In addition, there are the advantages of a low crime rate and exceptional safety and freedom for children. Caithness has regular rail and bus services and there are daily flights from Wick Airport. Wick is approximately 105 miles north of Inverness and about 17 miles south of John O’ Groats. The local schools are excellent, and property is very affordable.

To discuss this role in more detail, potential candidates are encouraged to contact Mike Hayward, Deputy Chief Officer via alison.mcgregor2@nhs.scot.

Jobs in Moray

NHS Highland is geographically the largest of the 14 regional boards of NHS Scotland, covering an area of 12,500 square miles, across Highland and Argyll & Bute.

As a board we strive to ensure the environment is conducive to nurturing a positive culture, supported and delivered through our NHS and Social Care values.